Otey Play 

Small Scale Sensory Play. Homemade playdough and ready to play sensory kits for peace of mind of the parent and the curious mind of the child.

Featured Products

Read and Play Bin   

Large Character Playdough Bins

8 oz Character Playdough Jars

Monthly Sensory Kits

Our Services

Customized 8 oz Playdough Jars

Starting at $15

Themed 8oz container focused around a favorite character of your choice. Contains 6oz of homemade playdough, character(s), open ended play accessories.

Customized Large Playdough Bins

Starting at $35

Themed large container focused around a favorite character or book of your choice. Contains 6 2oz containers of homemade playdough, multiple characters, open ended play accessories.

For easy clean up allow the sensory play to happen right in the container! Remove separate dough containers and allow child to play right in the bin.

Customized Favors 

Starting at $5

The perfect mini party favor! Playdough jars that you can customize for your little one’s birthday.

4oz container focused around a theme of your choice. Contains 3oz of homemade playdough, open ended play accessories. Additional characters and accessories available.

More about
our brand

Our products are recommended for ages  3+. supervision while playing is recommended.

Otey Play encourages caregivers to take a step back and allow play to occur without interruption. Uninterrupted sensory play allows a child the opportunity to further develop concentration skills and confidence.

Our products are homemade, as well as small batch. Contents may slightly vary based upon availability including colors and characters and shapes but will remain within the same theme.

Ingredients: flour, salt, cream of tartar, oil, food grade coloring

We use non-toxic acrylic paint for our hand painted pasta and beans

If you are unhappy with your purchase or something is wrong/damaged upon delivery, please let us be the first to know at oteyplay@gmail.com.

Sensory dough can last up to 6months.  Store in an airtight container. Crystallization is normal. Playing with dough will allow crystallization to disperse.

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